1 year old

A week ago, Hjalti turned one year old. How time flies…

Hjalti 1 year old

Since last entry, he now knows how to sit and stand up on his own, walk with support, and point to things he likes to have and grab almost anything he wants;-) Motherhood is certainly demanding and I feel like I have very little time for knitting. But still, I have made several small projects recently and plans for several more. The theme of recent projects has first and foremost been: use up stash. And there is certainly the need to, since I own four 40 litre plastic boxes down in the storage room, plus yarn probably to fill two more. So, first I made mittens for my niece Arna, for her 1 year birthday in November.

Mittens for 1 year old niece Arna

Pattern: based on pattern “Fjóla” from pattern book nr 19 Kambgarn from Ístex and cross stich from book on Rósavettlingar

colour scheme: my own

yarn: Kambgarn nr. 9667 and 0945

needles: 3.0 mm double pointed (five) needles

Then, during Christmas, I used the same pattern to make another pair for Hjalti

striped mittens for Hjalti

yarn: Kambgarn nr. 9667 and 9656

needles: 2.5 mm

It shows that they have been used daily for the past two months. The sad news is, however, that one mitten got lost last Tuesday, when Hjalti went for a ride in the car with his father. Oh well, I obviously have to knit a string to tie the next pair together.

Then there was the hat and booties I made for my friend’s daughter, born 21st November:

Since christmas, I have been working on a cabled pullover for Hjalti (still not finished) , I finished two hats, a lopi west and maybe something more I might have forgotten at the moment. So, plenty more for next post, which shall appear soon. Promise;-)

Tonight, I will attend the knitting cafe in Kópavogur and work on a recently started project: a dress. See you there!

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2 Responses to “1 year old”

  1. Stella Says:

    Hjalti er algjört krútt! Og flott vestið sem hann er í.

    Takk fyrir síðast, og takk fyrir hjálpina 🙂

  2. Hege Says:

    He is so cute! And yes, times flies way to fast…

    A lot of beautiful knitted things! I love your mittens, the lace cuff makes them very sweet.

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